40 Year-old Boy Finally Becomes Man After Hawker Auntie Calls Him ‘Shuai Ge’ Instead Of ‘Xiao Di’
years after his marriage and 8 years following the birth of his first daughter, Mr. Shawn Lim has finally attained manhood at the age of 40.
The triumphant moment came as a surprise to Mr. Lim, who was queuing for his usual chicken rice when the auntie suddenly called out: ‘Shuai Ge, Yao Se Mo (Handsome, What you want)?’
Eyewitness reports confirm that he was shook, and could barely stutter a reply.
“Hitherto, for the entirety of my existence, I’ve always been ‘Xiao Di’ (Little Brother),” said Mr. Lim, “I do not know what I’ve done to deserve such a honour of ‘Shuai Ge’ (Handsome) but I will cherish my newfound status and all its attendant responsibilities”
After his graduation to adulthood, the balding Business Director promptly visited a BMW dealership and began cheating on his wife with an intern who works in Marketing.
Top image credit: Calvin Teo